Welcome to our Customer Center
WenyeBiashara has designed a customer support system with three objectives: efficiency, simplicity and an overall improved customer experience.
Our system is based to support our customer specific needs and requests. This support system will direct you to the information you require when you need it. You can retrieve order information, request repair services, or get your billing questions answered with minimal effort.
Our customers can contact us online via the website and give us their queries and we can issue tickets and inform/advice the customer once the issue is resolved.
Customer Support
We designed our customer support to offer general information on clients portfolio and help them manage and monitor their accounts. Customers can have a live chat directly with our customer care centre by logging in through their membership accounts.
Contact us on: support@wenyebiashara.biz
Technical Support
To demostrate our commitment in providing our customers and partners with real-time support services, WenyeBiashara provides a live chat where members can log in and communicate to our technical support. This allows our clients to monitor and manage their accounts online.
Contact us on: support@wenyebiashara.biz
Sales Support
We are continuously looking for ways to improve our customer experience and exceed their expectations. For general sales inquiries and information about our services, or to place an order, please contact us at:
Contact us on: sales@wenyebiashara.biz