Adam and Eve
Contrary to popular belief, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden not because they ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but in order to prevent them from eating from the tree of life (both forbidden trees are in Genesis 2:9) which would have made them eternal. Genesis 3:22-23 “And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. [23] And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken.”
Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah is a famous story from the Old Testament which ends rather badly, as Samson’s long hair is cut short to destroy his strength. The common misconception is that Delilah was the one to give him the chop. But in fact, it was Delilah’s servant who did it. Judges 16:18-19
The Three Wise Men
There weren’t three and they didn’t visit Jesus in a manger. The Bible gives neither the number of men (but does the number of gifts as three, which is probably where this misconception stems from). Additionally, Herod demanded the death of all boys under two, making it probable that Christ had been born up to two years prior. Also, the wise men visited Jesus when he lived in a house according to the Biblical account in Matthew 2:11.
Mary Magdalene
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. In fact, she is barely mentioned at all. Aside from her presence at the resurrection, the only other thing that the Bible does say is that she was possessed by seven demons. Luke 8:2
Prodigal Son
Contrary to popular belief, “Prodigal” means “characterized by a profuse or wasteful expenditure” – it is not a reference to leaving or returning. Luke 15:11-32
God helps those who help themselves
“God helps those who help themselves” – a wise and good quote that everyone knows is from the Bible. But, in fact, it isn’t. It was a man, not a god who coined the well known (and overused) proverb.
Bethlehem Journey on a Donkey
The Virgin Mary is not described in the Bible as having travelled to Bethlehem on a donkey. No mention is made at all in the gospels of the mode of transport used in the journey.
Sons of God married the daughters of men. Genesis 6:2
Man who used a stone for a pillow
Genesis 28:11
Baby had a scarlet thread tied around its hand before birth
Genesis 38:28-29
Battle won because man stretched out his hand
Exodus 17:11
Man who was spoken to by a Donkey
Numbers 22:28-29
Giant who had a Bed 13ft. 6 in. long by 6ft. wide
Deuteronomy 3:11
The women who had to shave their heads before marriage
Deuteronomy 21:11-13
Women forbidden to wear men's clothing
Deuteronomy 22:5
Sun and moon stood still for a whole day
Joshua 10:13
A woman killed a man by driving a nail through his head
Judges 4:17-21
Men lapped water like dogs
Judges 7:5
An Army with 700 Hundred left-handed men
Judges 20:16
Man whose hair weighed about 6.5lbs. at his annual Haircut
2 Samuel 14:26
Where a ferry boat was used
2 Samuel 19:18
Man who had 12 fingers and 12 toes
2 Samuel 21:20
Man who had 700 wives and 300 concubines
1 Kings 11:1-3
The soaking wet sacrifice that burnt supernaturally
1 Kings 18:17-46
Man who outran a chariot
1 Kings 18:41-46
The axe head that floated in the river
2 Kings 6:1-6
Woman who boiled and ate her son
2 Kings 6:29
Man killed in his chariot
2 Kings 9:24
Woman whose body was eaten by dogs
2 Kings 9:30-36
Father who had 88 children
2 Chronicles 11:21
The sun travelled backwards
Isaiah 38:8
Man who walked naked for three years
Isaiah 20:2-3
Army of 185,000 destroyed in one night
Isaiah 37:36
Man whose life was increased by 15 years because he prayed
Isaiah 38:1-5
The Bible that was cut with a penknife
Jeremiah 36:20-23
Valley full of dry bones Prophesied to be resurrected
Ezekiel 37:1-14
A Harlot an ancestor of Christ
Matthew 1:5
Man ate locusts for food
Matthew 3:4
2 Men who never died, but went to Heaven— Enoch & Elijah
Genesis 5:22-24; 2 Kings 2:11