Security Solutions - Unified Threat Management
In todays Information age, need for continuous internet connectivity cannot be denied. As an individual user or as an employee in your organization, blended threats are waiting to attack YOU by identifying one vulnerable moment when your defenses are low. These can be viruses, malware, spam, Trojans and insider attacks like data theft and leakage. Securing YOU, the User, thus becomes critical! How do you ensure continuous security against sophisticated IT security threats?
WenyeBiashara.biz has moved a level higher to offer Cyberoams identity-based security solutions can secure your every move at work, at home and while you travel ... from the network gateway to the endpoints. It binds security with your identity and works as your private security guard, even when you are away from work or at home. Its endpoint security protects your sensitive data by securing your endpoints, storage devices and controlling applications.
Cyberoam UTM Features Assure Security, Connectivity and Productivity
Contact us for further details or request for a quote here.